A resource page and app to assess the risk of infection, determined by number of people in a space and human behavior. Please add common sense.
From the home page:
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, official public health guidelines have recommended limits on: person-to-person distance (6 feet / 2 meters), occupancy time (15 minutes), maximum occupancy (25 people), or minimum ventilation (6 air changes per hour).
There is growing scientific evidence for airborne transmission of COVID-19, which occurs when infectious aerosol droplets are exchanged by breathing shared indoor air. While public health organizations are beginning to acknowledge airborne transmission, they have yet to provide a safety guideline that incorporates all the relevant variables.
This app, developed by Kasim Khan in collaboration with Martin Z. Bazant and John W. M. Bush, uses a theoretical model to calculate safe exposure times and occupancy levels for indoor spaces. By adjusting room specifications, ventilation and filtration rates, face-mask usage, respiratory activities, and risk tolerance (in the other tabs), you can see how to mitigate indoor COVID-19 transmission in different indoor spaces.